ODI proposes Transport SDG: Realise universal access to sustainable transport mobility

Many of the proposals for post-2015 goals and targets appear ambitious, but what would it take to achieve them? This ODI paper assesses what is needed to achieve goals for universal and sustainable access to infrastructure, specifically water, energy and transport. Using illustrative goals and targets, the paper reviews the development challenges in each sector, and what will be necessary to overcome the barriers to universal and  sustainable access to water, energy and transport infrastructure services, in the areas of governance, finance, capacity development and environmental protection.

For transport ODI proposes the following goal “Realise universal access to sustainable transport mobility”, with four associated targets.

  • The number of the urban and rural poor for whom transport accessibility problems severely restrict access to employment and essential services is  eradicated by 2030.
  • The proportion of victims from traffic-related accidents is cut in half by 2030 compared to 2010.
  • Reduce GHG emissions from passenger and freight transport by 40% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.
  • Double the share of public transport users by 2030.

To download the full text of the ODI paper, please click here.