Transport Day 2013


Transport Day 2013 took place on 17 November 2013, in Warsaw, Poland, alongside the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP 19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The motto of Transport Day 2013 was “Rethink Transport and Climate Change”. The full-day event was hosted in Hyatt Regency Warsaw, and it brought together more than 200 experts, civil society representatives, multilateral development banks and international organizations. Transport Day 2013 was co-organized by the Bridging the Gap initiative (BtG) and the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport.


Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development

Transport Day 2013 concluded with the adoption of the ‘Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development’, which by 6 December was endorsed by 450 individuals and 145 organizations. The Warsaw Statement calls on the Parties to UNFCCC to strengthen the integration of sustainable, low carbon transport in the UNFCCC process, especially the new global agreement on climate change. On November 20th, The Warsaw Statement was handed over to the UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres by representatives of the SLoCaT Partnership.

Program and Presentations

Transport Day 2013 brought together 50 speakers and panelists in 2 substantive plenary meetings and 8 break-out sessions. A detailed overview of the Transport Day Program and presentations from the meeting is available here. The breakout sessions were focused on the following themes:

  • Mitigation potential of transport sector
  • Policy making on sustainable, low carbon transport in the developing world
  • Ensuring effective transport NAMAs
  • Integrating adaptation in transport policies
  • Financing of sustainable, low carbon transport

An overview of recommendations from the breakout sessions can be downloaded here.

Media and Coverage

Transport Day 2013 received wide digital and press coverage from many media organizations, publications and organizations. In order to disseminate the most up-to-date information about the event, the organizers created a Virtual Press Room for Transport Day 2013 which included the Press release (English) (Spanish) and Media Advisory for the event.

A range of international organizations and SLoCaT Members published articles, blogs and reports on the event. For a full-list of reports and outreach materials on Transport Day 2013, please visit the Transport Day 2013 Media Page.

The event was also covered by the IISD which published a full-report and photos of the event and a video covering the highlights of the day.

Supporting Organizations

Transport Day 2013 was supported by 17 organizations: