Scheduled to mark 12 months before the postponed United Nations Climate Change Conference under UK Presidency, En Route to COP26 was designed to accelerate collective and timely action by engaging transport actors to quickly, efficiently, and fairly realise the low carbon transport transition.
Attracting over 1.000 registrations, En Route to COP26 featured opening and closing sessions, as well as 9 thematic sessions covering topics central to the acceleration of transport decarbonisation such as: national climate and transport strategies; placing transport decarbonisation at the heart of green and equitable economic recovery; re-thinking urban mobility and harnessing opportunities to fast track its delivery; ending internal combustion engines for passenger and freight transport; enabling sustainable maritime transport for Small Island Developing States and maximising the links between transport and health.
With its sessions across different time zones, En Route to COP26 was designed to be relevant and easily accessible to colleagues around the world. EnRoutetoCOP26 was seen more than 250000 times on Twitter alone. It has been an honour to host a line up of around 150 speakers and a remarkably engaged audience – a cohort of world-class decision-makers and experts from national and local government, civil society, private sector, academia, philanthropy and multilateral entities; as well as a phenomenal mix of nationalities, generations of professionals, and a great mobilisation of women professionals.