Sustainable Transport Africa (STA)

Sustainable Transport Africa is a Non-Governmental Organization recently registered in Kenya with the primary objective of making transport more accessible to the lower income, physically challenged and financially disadvantaged groups, while reducing the adverse environmental and health impacts.

SLoCaT Partnership and Bridging the Gap Initiative present at the ADP Technical Expert Meeting in Bonn

On 4-15 June 2014, the June session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) took place from in Bonn, Germany. This was a follow-up to the two technical expert meetings (TEM) were held in March 2014 on on renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency improvements, which are critical for bridging the  pre-2020 ambition gap. Parties called for a follow-up meeting after these meetings to look at the progress reached since March and discuss the way forward up to Lima to enhance mitigation ambition.