World’s Largest Development Banks Join Together at Rio+20 to Invest $175 Billion for the Creation of More Sustainable Transport Systems

Thoughts on Rio+20: The Future of Sustainable Transportation

According to The Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), a voluntary multi-stakeholder initiative that contributes to the implementation of Agenda 21, Rio+5 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI), “a stronger focus on public transport and non-motorized transport will strengthen access for low income groups. Reduced congestion and air pollution, as well as improved road safety, can translate into economic savings equal to several percentage points of GDP….

SLoCaT co-organizes UN Bike Ride for Rio+20

On the 8 th of June United Nations officials, diplomats and and members of civil society organizations
took part in a bike ride, co-organized by the SLoCaT Partnership to highlight the benefits of bicycling as a sustainable urban transportation method. The challenge is to get the world to use renewable energy to power our trains,planes, buses and boats. What is especially important for cities.