Press Release: Transport Sector Is "Off Track" to Sustainability

October 19, 2017—The transport sector is not on track towards achieving sustainable mobility, according to the Global Mobility Report launched today.

The Global Mobility Report is the first ever assessment of the transport sector. It was produced by the Sustainable Mobility for All initiative (SuM4All)—a worldwide consortium of over 50 leading organizations in the transport sector. 

Mitigation Potential Estimates for 1.5 Degree Scenario in Transport

To carry out a robust analysis of transport carbon emissions growth in different typologies of countries, we carried out a meta-analysis with extensive literature review reviewing more than 500 modelling estimates to extract detailed transport sector-related bottom-up projections for BAU and low carbon scenario for 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050 and aggregating the projections to get a global estimate. The data are included in the accompanying Excel workbook. 

RELEASE: Shared Mobility Principles for Livable Cities Launched by Consortium of Transport Experts

10 principles guide urban decision-makers and stakeholders in the transition to new mobility services 

The pace of technology-driven innovation from the private sector in shared transportation services, vehicles and networks is rapid, accelerating and filled with opportunity, as well as risks. The impending advent of self-driving vehicles, for example, will have a profound impact on livelihoods, congestion and urban land use. At the same time, city streets are a finite and scarce resource.