26 August 2019

Invitation to be a National Focal Point for the Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report (TCC-GSR)

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The Global Mobility Transformation needs YOU!

in News
13 August 2019

Invitation to join and support the Action towards Climate-friendly Transport Initiative (ACT)

The UNSG Climate Action Summit will be held on 23 September at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Summit is a key milestone in the international community’s work towards sincere, renewed, and ambitious climate action. The SLoCaT Partnership, in coordination with a number of key partners and members, is leading the transport sub-track of the “Infrastructure, Cities and Local Action” track of the Summit.

in News
15 July 2019

SLoCaT welcomes a robust new Board

We are pleased to announce the new Board of Directors elected by SLoCaT, the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport which will support, oversee and advance the work of the Partnership in the next three years. This new Board brings together an extraordinary wealth of expertise across the transport and mobility, energy, climate and cities sectors.

An independent Election Committee chaired by Mr. Lew Fulton (UC-Davis) and aided by Ms. Glynda Bathan (Clean Air Asia) and Mr. Henry Kamau (Sustainable Transport Africa) monitored the elections and counted the ballots.

in News
24 May 2019

Ministers’ Roundtable Transport and Climate at ITF: Moving forward from COP24

At the Annual Summit 2019 of the International Transport Forum, the roundtable on transport and climate released a joint statement expressing the need to achieve low emissions in the transport sector. The joint statement can be found here.

in News
16 May 2019

Webinar on Low Carbon Transport Measures of the Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report

In December 2018, the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) published the first global report tracking the progress of transport on climate change. The Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report (TCC-GSR) brings together information streams on transport and climate change.

in News
1 May 2019

Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport – Call for Applications

Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport 

Call for Applications

The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) are launching the Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport programme.

in News
16 April 2019

Webinar about the Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report

In December 2018, the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) published the first global report tracking the progress of transport on climate change. The Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report (TCC-GSR) brings together information streams on transport and climate change.

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