22 July 2015

Transport GHG Emissions Database: National Communications and Biennial Update Reports

This Databases contains an overview of National Communications (NCs) and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) from a wide range of Annex I and non-Annex I countries (including historic and projected transport emissions as a share of economy-wide emissions). Information is collected directly from NCs and BURs, and includes transport emissions baselines, historic and projected growth disaggregated by passenger and freight activity, noting any economy-wide or transport-specific emissions targets and any transport sector related mitigation policies identified within NCs.

15 July 2015

New BRICS Strategy Emphasizes Importance of Transport in Facilitating Economic Development

At its seventh annual summit, the BRICS group of countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa) announced the BRICS Economic Partnership Strategy through 2020, which aims to strengthen ties in transport, energy, and other sectors. The BRICS also adopted the New Development Bank and Contingent Reserve Arrangement, with a total capacity of US$200 billion.

in News
13 July 2015

New World Bank Initiative Aims to Transform Transport and ICT Project Evaluation to Increase Value of Investment

According to a recent article by the World Bank, multilateral lending for transport amounts to 29% of multilateral development bank assistance, only 0.4% of all impact evaluations have transport as a core topic, and only 2.5% include Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

in News
10 July 2015

SLoCaT Partnership is Collaborating with the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) At COP 21

The SLoCaT Partnership is pleased to announce that it has joined the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) as a partner.

The TAP, coordinated by ICLEI, aims to accelerate implementation of climate action of local and subnational governments by scaling up their direct investments and engagement in national and global mechanisms.

in News
9 July 2015

Comments Requested: Discussion Paper on Financing Rural Transport Services in Developing Countries

The Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) is seeking comments on the draft discussion paper: Financing Rural Transport Services in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities. The discussion paper is developed with support of the UK Aid-funded African and Asian Community Access Programmes (AFCAP-ASCAP).

in News
7 July 2015

CODATU Initiative Supports Cities to Plan Sustainable Urban Mobility to Fight Climate Change

During the World Summit Climate and Territories (Lyon, France, 1-2 July), CODATU presents the initiative MobiliseYourCity that aims at strengthening urban mobility planning in developing countries to reduce urban transport greenhouse gas emissions.

in News
2 July 2015

Compilation of INDCs

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are a new legally binding instrument under the UNFCCC. INDCs document the action that countries (both Annex 1 and non-Annex 1) will take on climate change.  The SLoCaT Partnership is compiling a database of INDCs as they are submitted, seen through the lens of the transport sector. INDCs represent a bottom-up, nationally determined process, based on this they have the potential to drive progress in countries, especially in the global south, towards more pro-active climate policies.