19 November 2012

IMO, ICAO Report on GHG Emission Reductions Efforts

ICAO reports on initiatives focused on four key areas, including on: States’ action plans and assistance to States; sustainable alternative fuels for aviation; market-based measures; and global aspirational goals. The submission to the UNFCCC presented by IMO highlights that its Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) has been considering as part of its agenda actions to address GHG emissions from ships engaged in international trade.

in News
15 November 2012

IEA Reports Sales of 1.2 Million Electric Vehicles, 2.5 Million Hybrid Vehicles in 2011

A report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement for co-operation on Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technologies and Programmes (IA-HEV) offers a snapshot of hybrid and electric vehicles (H&EVs) around the world, and explores global growth in the H&EV market in 2011, reporting sales of 1.2 million electric vehicles, including e-bikes and scooters, and 2.5 million plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in that year.

in News
12 November 2012

Global Fuel Economy Initiative Launched for the African Region

Fifty participants from 20 African countries convened at UN Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters for the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) regional launch in Africa. Motivated by high rates of vehicle growth in Africa, the workshop aimed to identify policy shortcomings and the need to monitor vehicle import trends as a strategy to promote fuel efficient cars.

Participants considered the results from two GFEI country pilots in Kenya and Ethiopia, which demonstrated the potential for African countries to take advantage of improvements in the vehicle fuel economy.

in News
5 November 2012

Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles Programme to Reduce Sulphur Levels and Diesel Emissions

Participants in a recent meeting of the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) initiated a new programme to reduce sulphur levels in fuel and tackle diesel emissions, and agreed to complete a lead phase-out campaign.

in News
23 October 2012

SLoCaT members to join WG on the Convening of Transport Stakeholders to Develop and Take Action on Recommendations for more Sustainable Transport Systems

In January 2012, Secretary General (SG) Ban Ki-moon announced that the post-2015 framework for sustainable development would be an important priority in the Action Agenda for his second term. Transport was listed as one of six building blocks for sustainable development.

in News
19 September 2012

SLoCaT Rio+20 Follow-up

Transport Related Follow-Up: The inclusion of sustainable transport as a priority in the Chapter V. Framework for Action and Follow-up of the draft Outcome Document for Rio: “The Future We Want” positions Rio+20 to be a pivotal event for scaling up and mainstreaming sustainable transport. 

20 June 2012

World’s Largest Development Banks Join Together at Rio+20 to Invest $175 Billion for the Creation of More Sustainable Transport Systems

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (20 June, 2012)—The eight largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) announced today that they will invest US$175 billion to finance more sustainable transportation systems over the coming decade, boosting equitable economic development and protecting the environment and public health across the developing world. The pledge by the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank and six other MDBs was made at the start of United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (also known as Rio+20).

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