30 January 2012

Press Release: Groups Call for Global Reset on Transportation at Rio+20 Meet

To help shape the outcome of the Rio+20 conference the SLoCaT Partnership today released its call to the United Nations urging adoption by the Rio+20 conference of a Sustainable Development Goal that calls on the world to “Achieve sustainable transport that enables universal access to safe, clean, and affordable mobility”.

30 January 2012

SLoCaT input to CDM Policy Dialog

SLoCaT with the help of ADB, CAI-Asia, ECN and ITDP made a submission to the policy dialog on CDM.  The inputs, and a summary of them, will be shared with the panel that will conduct the dialogue and will be considered by the Board at its sixty-sixth meeting early in 2012.

31 March 2011

Bridging the gap Cancun

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP16/COP6) took place in Cancún, Mexico, from 29 November to 11 December 2010. Contrary to the expectations of many there was considerable progress made by Parties at the conference, particularly in relation to Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), the verification of developing country mitigation actions through International Comparative Analysis (ICA), financing, technology transfer and capacity building.

31 March 2011

Assessing Sustainability

Sustainable development balances environmental, social and economic objectives. Sustainable transport planning refers to transport policy analysis and planning practices that support sustainable development. This is important because transport policy and planning decisions can have diverse, long-term impacts.

10 March 2011

Cancún can, can land transport?

A summary of the proceedings from the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancún, Mexico, and their significance for the land transport sector

10 March 2011

Transport and the CDM – A future for sustainable transport?

So far, the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has not succeeded in decisively promoting sustainable land transport. If developing countries are to adopt low carbon mobility, there is the need for the existing mechanisms to be significantly modified or for new mechanisms to be introduced to provide better incentives for local and national governments to action implementation.


20 January 2011

Advancing Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport through the GEF

GEF, being a major multilateral agency and being an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC, has a critical role to play in promoting interventions aimed at reducing GHG emissions. In this context STAP initiated a study to provide information and guidance on options for advancing sustainable low-carbon transport during GEF-5. The report was prepared by Holger Dalkmann (TRL) and Cornie Huizenga (SLoCaT).

13 January 2011

NAMAs for the transport sector. Case studies for Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and People's Republic of China

Transport is responsible for an important and growing part of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with most of the future increase expected to come from developing countries.


Authors: Cornie Huizenga and Stefan Bakker

13 January 2011

Mitigating Transport Emissions in Developing Countries: Recommendations to the Climate Negotiations in Cancun, Mexico

Joint recommendations by SLoCaT and Bridging the Gap initiative on how to raise the profile of transport in the climate negotiations.

13 January 2011

Accessing Finance for Sustainable Transport: A Practical Overview



A Bridging the Gap publication on transport finance in association with SLoCaT