News and Blogs

Global Environment Facility prioritizes transport in addressing low emission development needs at the city level

(GEF Washington D.C., December 09)– Transport is a crucial sector for sustainable development. When done right, transport can help expand economic opportunities and contribute to poverty reduction. However, rapid motorization is leading to congested cities, air pollution, accidents and rapid increases in greenhouse gas emissions – especially in developing countries – with global emissions from transport projected to increase 50% by 2030.

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African Sustainable Transport Forum releases outcome document

43 African countries were represented in the Experts and Ministerial sessions at the inaugural conference of the African Sustainable Transport Forum. The resulting ASTF Action Framework, agreed upon by the Ministers, includes 13 actions together with an institutional structure for the ASTF Secretariat.  The Framework sets out a clear roadmap for sustainable transport in Africa, based on a harmonization of priority action areas as they were identified by all the conference participants. 

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Cycling for Growth Plan has been released

The cycling community set out its contribution for economic growth in Europe

Brussels, 4th December 2014

“We can create more jobs for Europeans through investment in cycling, not only because it has a proven record for creation of green and sustainable jobs, but because of the huge contributions it makes to the EU’s wider objectives. Our partners, our businesses and policy makers are ready to building on cycling’s current 650,000 jobs and €217billion per year contribution to the EU economy”, said Kevin Mayne, ECF Director of Development.

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SLoCaT Partnership is tracking UNFCCC Negotiations from a Transport Perspective

The Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), along with the Bridging the Gap (BtG) Initiative are providing for the first time regular updates on how the COP 20 discussions are affecting land transport. In tracking the negotiations, the organizations will pay specific attention to:

(a) Pre-2020 Mitigation Ambition;

(b) Intended Nationally Determined Contributions;

(c) NAMAs;

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From Defining to Implementing Sustainable Transport

By Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General, Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)

Millions of people around the world lack proper access to jobs, markets, schools, hospitals and other essential services, and better transport is a crucial element to improve economic and social development. Yet, transport is responsible for 1.24 million traffic fatalities per year, as well as high levels of urban air pollution and congestion in many cities. 

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Chile puts carbon tax on vehicles, promotes efficiency

Chile has recently introduced carbon tax to promote vehicle and energy efficiency. This tax reform is the largest in the last three decades, and will mostly focus on tax increase for bigger companies.

The tax reform dictates carbon taxation of new car purchases based on Nitrogen oxide (NOx) (heavy) and Field Electron (FE) (more light) emissions, according to Fuel Economy labelling information. The reform also includes a “green tax,” a US$5 tax per ton of CO2 emitted from thermal powerplants.

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