Draft Program
13:30 Welcome and introduction
- Ramon Cruz, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) (Facilitator) (5 mins)
13:35 Demonstrating progress on delivering sustainable urban mobility
- Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General, SloCaT (10 mins)
13:45 The role of national governments in promoting sustainable urban transport and compact development in their cities
- Mr Bambang Prihartono, Director of Transportation, Bappenas-the National Development Planning Agency (10 minutes)
13:55 People Near Transit
- Measuring Accessibility in Urban Development, Clayton Lane, CEO, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) (10 mins)
14:05 Member State perspective on prospects for Habitat III implementation:
- Deputy Minister Mexico
- Norway negotiator
- Tania Roediger Vorwerk
14:25 Final statement
- Ramon Cruz, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
For more information, please contact Cornie Huizenga (cornie.huizenga@slocatpartnership.org) or Ramon Cruz (ramon.cruz@itdp.org)