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3rd International Workshop and Symposium Research and applications on the use of passive data from public transport

22 May 2017 @ 12:00 am

The use of passive data from public transport (e.g. AFC, AVL, APC, etc) has increased in the recent years, presenting an excellent opportunity for academic research and also for the development of applied methods. This workshop continues a series that began in Gifu, Japan with the First International Workshop on Utilizing Transit Smart Card Data for Service Planning in 2014, the Second International Workshop Automated Data Collection Systems: A New Foundation for Urban Public Transport Planning and Operations, held in Boston in 2016. The focus of these meetings has been to build an international network of researchers working on these topics, and also to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss recent methodological developments and innovative applications. 

Researchers and practitioners will participate in the Third International Workshop and Symposium: Research and applications on the use of passive data from public transport, that will be held in Santiago, Chile. The Symposium is a three-day event. The first part of the program will consist of a scientific workshop, with discussion between specialists who must submit their contributions in advance. The second part of the event will consist of a symposium focusing on applied work. In this symposium we expect to gather a wider audience, attracting public transport operators and regulators from Chile and other Latin-American countries. The topics of the workshop and symposium will include, but are not limited to:

  • Methods for processing automated data for system monitoring and control, demand analysis, understanding customer experience and travel behavior at the disaggregate level.
  • Applications to incident management and operations control, planning, performance measurement, demand management, fare policy
  • Best practices and case studies
  • New technologies for data collection (wi-fi, apps) 

Please submit your abstract using Easychair, and let the organizer know whether you would prefer to present your work in one of the workshop sessions or in one of the symposium sessions. The workshop will provide the opportunity to expand the network of researchers and practitioners established with the 1st and 2nd TransitData workshops and continue the on-going discussion to advance the use of data from automated sources as a foundation for analysis and management of transit systems. The symposium will provide the opportunity to share the knowledge with the local community of specialists.

 Important Dates & General Information

  • Extended Abstract Submission (1,000 words): January 16, 2017
  • Acceptance Notification: January 31, 2017
  • Early Bird Registration: before April 1
  • Registration Fee: $300 (before April 1st), $400 (after April 1st). The registration fee includes coffee breaks, lunches, and social activities.
  • Student fellowships will be offered.

Please see more information here and please send your inquiry toinfo@transitdata.cl


22 May 2017
12:00 am