Several countries in Asia and elsewhere are developing or considering climate-friendly transport policies and measures in the context of NAMAs. At the same time, many issues need to become more tangible, e.g. how to prepare a NAMA proposal, what viable financial concepts are, what international support could entail, how to approach MRV, what an appropriate scope (policy vs project) is, etc.
GIZ Transport and Climate Change project and the GIZ TRANSfer project will therefore jointly host the Asia regional exchange on NAMAs in the transport sector on 16 August 2013 in Singapore. This one-day workshop aims to address some of the above issues by facilitating South-South exchange of knowledge and good practice. The workshop will foster regional collaboration among countries and practitioners, bringing together representatives from government transport agencies, climate change focal points and international organisations. Jointly, participants will advance the Asian view on transport NAMAs.
see workshop flyer