Stakeholder Meeting for Paris Process on Mobility and Climate

The 21st meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP21), of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in December 2015 in Paris, France is scheduled to result in an ambitious global agreement that can guide the global community in (more) ambitious action on climate change. The Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) together with Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB) have taken the initiative to come up with the idea of a platform, where existing and

7th Africa Transportation Technology Transfer Conference

In May 2015, the Ministries of Transport and Infrastructural Development in Zimbabwe in collaboration with the Association of Southern African National Road Agencies (ASANRA) and other stakeholders in the transport sector worldwide is organizing the 7th Africa Transportation Technology Transfer Conference (T22). The Conference will be held in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, from 11th to 15th May 2015.

The 5th GIB-Summit

Infrastructure has never been more prominent on the agenda of country leaders and international organisations than it is today. In 2014, resolutions and frameworks issued by the G20, the newly launched Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, the OECD and the Multilateral Development Banks have all stressed the necessity of promoting infrastructure and infrastructure financing. Infrastructure is key for the development and growth of societies, and, if constructed in a resilient and sustainable way, it can play a transformative role on the path to sustainable development.


Velo-city is the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF)’s annual global summit on cycling. Velo-city is an ECF brand. The Velo-city conference series serves as the major global platform for the exchange of visions, knowledge, expertise skills and good practice on cycling as part of daily transport and recreation and on cycling related policies.