Latest Past Events

Consultation for Decision-Makers on Implementing Sustainable Transport

The Rio+20 outcome document “The Future We Want” recognizes that “transportation and mobility are central to sustainable development.” Rapid urbanization of developing economies has brought urgency to this looming problem of access while least developed areas continue to lack basic access, both of which are exacerbating poverty alleviation efforts.  The key enabling role of transport in advancing sustainable development was further confirmed in the report by the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on Post-2015 Development Agenda as well as in the ‘Action Agenda for Sustainable Developm

Open Knowledge Conference

Amid a veritable flood of new information on everything from ecological trends to genomic mutations released as part of Open Data movements around the world, practitioners are faced with both vast opportunities, as well as colossal challenges in compiling, updating, analyzing and sharing that information.

XIVth Walk21 International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities

The worldwide most significant conference on walking and liveable communities will make its German debut in Munich from 11 – 13 September 2013. This is your chance to connect with experts from public administration and politics, consultancies and research institutions. Meet NGOs and activists from around the world and discuss the future of walking, the enhancement of urban quality of life and many other topics with them!