Bike Ride with UN-Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

"When people cycle to work instead of driving, they get exercise and the planet is spared more greenhouse gas emissions," Ban Ki Moon (22 September 2011)

The Netherlands Ambassador to UN has taken the initiative to host a cycling event for his colleague Ambassadors to promote the advantages of non-motorized transport.  The Institute for Transportation and Development, City of New York, the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport and the Dutch Cycling Embassy are co-organizing the event.

Velo-city Global 2012 Conference

Velo-city Global is the world's premier international cycling planning conference. The four day event offers delegates from around the world a chance to share best practices for creating and sustaining cycling-friendly cities, where bicycles are valued as part of daily transport and recreation.

Sustainable Transport following Rio+20

The 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20, generated a strong momentum on sustainable transport. This was aided by the launch of a coordinated series of 16 voluntary commitments on sustainable transport related to financing, policy, knowledge management and capacity development for sustainable transport.

Workshop- ‘Mobility for poor: Improving informal transport’

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi and UN-Habitat are organizing a three-day workshop titled ‘Mobility for poor: Improving informal transport’. The aim of the workshop is to facilitate knowledge/ experience sharing on challenges and solutions for improving informal modes of transport in urban and peri-urban areas. The workshop is being organized under the aegis of the ‘Pro-poor mobility component’ of the Global Energy Network for Urban Settlements (GENUS) established by UN-Habitat.

CODATU XV – "The role of urban mobility in (re)shaping cities"

The CODATU XV conference will allow various players to share their points of view and reach a consensus regarding the different approaches to urban mobility. These may be distinguished firstly in terms of scope of application (whether they tackle global or local issues), and secondly in terms of time (whether they take into account a short or long-term outlook).

Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world (CODATU) was created in 1980 following a seminal international conference on urban transport in Dakar, Senegal.