REACT: The International Conference on Climate Friendly Transport in Europe 

The Conference will be organized by the FP7 project REACT and the University of Belgrade.
The REACT conference attracts speakers and delegates from business, government, non-governmental organizations and academia and is the major venue for researchers working in all aspects of sustainable transport.

ITF Annual Summit

Transport Ministers from around the globe will meet in Leipzig, Germany, on 25-27 May to debate the future of mobility with business leaders, top scholars and civil society at their annual Summit organised by the International Transport Forum at the OECD.

Moving Transport from CDM to NAMAs

The transport sector contributes to 23% of energy-related CO2 emissions internationally. It is also the fastest growing sector in terms of GHG emissions in developing countries. The CDM didn't work in the sector; will Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) deliver?

EcoMobility Changwon 2011 – World Congress on Mobility for the Future of Sustainable Cities


Getting out of our cars and starting to move sustainably
EcoMobility Changwon 2011 will provide you with fresh, visionary and enriching perspectives on sustainable urban mobility. Renowned transportation experts from around the globe will present some of the world’s best case studies, and participants will learn how to kick start and implement good policies while engaging in fruitful debates about mobility for the future of sustainable cities.

The Air We Breathe 3: A Pan-PRD Dialogue on Marine Emissions

In the Hong Kong-Pearl River Detla (HK-PRD) region, emissions from ships and port activity have a disproportionate effect on public health as they are highly toxic, and occur immediately adjacent to population centres, despite being a smaller proportion of regional air pollution than other sources. Addressing emissions from vessels in a coordinated way across the HK-PRD region is essential to effectively addressing this challenge. The shipping sector complies to higher standards and tighter standards elsewhere, and understands that the global trend is to clean up.

COP 17 – United Nations Climate Change Conference

The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011, will bring together representatives of the world's governments, international organizations and civil society. The discussions will seek to advance the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the Bali Action Plan, agreed at COP 13 in 2007, and the Cancun Agreements, reached at COP 16 last December.