WRI Networking Event at Habitat III: Innovative Business Models to Unlock Sustainable Investment in Cities

This networking event aims to bring private sector players together with city decision-makers and researchers to discuss innovative business models that can help cities invest in sustainable solutions for urban challenges. Through dedicated discussion of concrete cases, investors and city representatives can dig deep into the constraints holding cities back, the solutions available, and the capacity that each stakeholder group provides to achieve common goals.

Networking Event: Quito Action Plan on Sustainable Urban Mobility (QAPSUM)

Session Description:

This networking event presents key elements of SLoCaT’s Quito Action Plan for Sustainable Urban Mobility (QAPSUM), a global, open and transparent platform for all actors (e.g. transport industry, financial institutions, cities, academia, governments) which aims to transform urban mobility by contributing to safe, healthy, efficient, climate friendly and clean cities.  QAPSUM is intended to deliver simultaneously on the New Urban Agenda (NUA), the Paris Agreement, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Transport Day Quito



Please see program details below, or download program here.

Towards Livable Cities – The Role of Urban Mobility

Parallel to the HABITAT-III conference, GIZ SUTP, together with ICLEI and the Ecuadorian Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda (MIDUVI) will deliver the one day workshop “Towards Livable Cities - The Role of Urban Mobility”. This full day event will describe the challenges of creating livable cities and the role that urban mobility can have to increase livability while reducing carbon emissions and improving travel conditions for citizens.

Webinar BRT Station Design in the Urban Context

The Across Latitudes and Cultures BRT Centre of Excellence invites you to its monthly webinar series to share timely public transit research and encourage ongoing collaboration. The October Webinar will be: 

BRT Station Design in the Urban Context.

The webinar will be Presented by Chris Van Eyken on October 24th, 8:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT, UTC -4:00). Chris is Senior Planner at Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP).


Sustainable Transport Events at COP22


Monday November 7th

  • 17:00 – 18:30 Driving NDC implementation through sectoral action: lessons learned so far, Ricardo Energy & Environment,  Green Zone Oum Errabia,  Chris Dodwell chris.dodwell@ricardo.com

Tuesday November 8th

Transport Day Marrakech


Sunday 13th November: 08.30 – 20.00

Venue: The Es Saadi Gardens and Resort which is centrally located in Marrakech, 2km from the venue of COP22 (see map)

Objectives of the Transport Day Marrakesh  

Webinar Transforming Urban Transport – The Role of Political Leadership

Meeting of the Minds, in partnership with VREF, will host a live webinar featuring Diane Davis and Lily Song of the project Transforming Urban Transport – The Role of Political Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The one-hour webinar will be held on November 15th, 2016, starting at 9.00 am PST / 12.00 ECT / 18.00 CET. 

Fleets for the early deployment of electric vehicles


13:00-13:10 Welcome and introduction

13:10-13:40 Scaling up the ambition of EV deployment

Moderator: Ahmed BAROUDI, Director general, Société d’Investissements Énergétiques (SIE), Morroco