Latest Past Events

5th Urban Mobility India Conference Cum Exhibition (UMI – 2012)

The 5th Annual Urban Mobility Conference cum Exhibition will be held from December 5th to 8th at the Manekshaw Centre at Dhaula Kuan Delhi. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India to disseminate up to date information on urban transport to City and State Government officials. Local and international experts are invited to present case studies on various topics of current interest. Industry participates in the exhibition. The theme this year is 'Smart Mobility' with sub-themes (two parallel sessions) as follow:

Better Air Quality Conference on "Growing Cities, Healthy Cities"

The Better Air Quality conference (BAQ) will be held in Hong Kong from 5 to 7 December 2012. The BAQ 2012 on  "Growing Cities, Healthy Cities" is reflecting on the challenge of creating livable cities with blue skies and a low carbon footprint in the face of increasing urbanization, and ensuring that people’s health is no longer affected by poor air quality. The BAQ conference is the flagship event of CAI-Asia. This biennial event brings leading experts, policy and decision makers together to network, learn and share experiences on air quality management.

Bridging the Gap between Transport and Climate Change in Africa

This event will provide an update on current actions in Africa to develop sustainable transport systems and reduce emissions from the transport sector. Co organised by Bridging the Gap partners and UN-Habitat. Speakers from Africa will address opportunities for technology transfer, T-NAMAs and CDM.

Speakers: TBD; UN HABITAT, GIZ, TRL, representatives from Ethiopia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Benin and South Africa.

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