Latest Past Events

Africa Climate Week 2020


The SLOCAT Partnership will be engaged at the Africa Climate Week 2020. More content to be added.

SLOCAT Partnership Annual Meeting 2020

Harmon Center, World Resources Institute 10 G Street NE, Washington

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport took place on the 13 January 2020 at the premises of the World Resources Institute (WRI) in ...

Sustainable Urban Mobility Course, Abuja

Our ability to correctly and efficiently model urban mobility through inclusive planning and creation of sustainable platform for implementation of best practices, yet people oriented mobility systems have critical impact on resident’s quality of life and indeed everyday functioning of our cities. Whereas, a greater majority of countries in the developed world have since realized the concern with current mobility practices and are reengineering mobility, changing mindset and developing new culture in sustainable mobility, Africa and the rest of the developing world lag behind.