8th International & Environmental Congress

The 8th International and Environmental Congress will be held one month before the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, France. This affords a singular opportunity to bring together business and policy leaders, civil society and people from the academy in the region, to prepare, educate, and energize them for the coming COP.

ReCAP-SLoCaT Participation at the XXVth PIARC World Road Congress

At the XXVth PIARC World Road Congress, the SLoCaT Partnership (in conjunction with ReCAP ) organized a rural transport strategy session with the goal of defining a clearer global agenda to be undertaken by rural transport stakeholders. Representatives from SLoCaT, ReCAP, KfW, GIZ, the World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as the African, Asian and Caribbean Development Banks were in attendance .

Side Event at COP21: “Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors”

The side event will be organized by the Transport Research Foundation (TRF) and Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). Once countries have agreed on INDCs and mitigation targets in December, the next big challenge is to put in place policies and measures that satisfy these ambitions. Policy makers/ implementers will discuss success factors for moving from concept to implementation in low carbon transport policies.

Webinar: How can Transport Help Achieve the 2°C Warming Limit Agreed in Paris?

Climate Bonds and SLoCaT introduce the new Low Carbon Transport Climate Bonds Standard

22 Dec 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET

With climate finance, green bonds and infrastructure all high on the COP21 agenda in Paris this is a timely event for anyone in transport

Climate Bonds and SLoCaT invite stakeholders to join this important webinar and let us know your views on the eligibility criteria and other aspects of the standard.

Webinar: The Role of Commercial Establishment Surveys in Freight Behavior Research; and the Modeling of Freight Trip Generation, Freight Generation, and Service Trips

The Federal Highway Administration will host a webinar on conducting establishment-level surveys of freight movements and on the possible uses of the resulting data in transportation decision-making. This webinar is part of FHWA’s Freight Model Improvement Program (FMIP).

Webinar Details

When: Thursday, January 28, 2016, 1 – 2:30 pm EST

1st Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC) 2016

Theme: Planning and Development in Developing Country Perspectives

Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DURP) of Jahangirnagar University is going to organize its first international conference “Bangladesh Planning Research Conference (BPRC)” on 5-6 February 2016 at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka,Bangladesh. The aim of this conference is to exchange research and experiences in all aspect of planning among the leading academics, researchers and practitioners. 

Velo-City Global Conference 2016

Velo-city 2016 will be hosted from February 27 to March 1 2016. Velo-city Global 2016 will focus on discussing the profound impact of the evolution of cycling.

Velo-city began in 1980 in Bremen, Germany with deep ties in the founding of the European Cyclists’ Federation. Since then conferences have been held in cities including Copenhagen, Brussels, Barcelona and Montreal. Velo-city conferences are now attracting about 1,000 delegates.