Transport Day 2013 took place on 17 November 2013, in Warsaw, Poland, alongside the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP 19) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The event which brought together more than 200 experts, civil society representatives, multilateral development banks and international organizations was co-organized by the Bridging the Gap initiative (BtG) and the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT), with a focus on rethinking transport and climate change. The event kicked off with a message from UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

– Virtual Press Room

virtual press room has been set for Transport Day 2013, which will be online on Wednesday, 20 November 2013.

– Media Advisory

The Warsaw Statement on Low Carbon Transport and Sustainable Development will be delivered formally to Executive Secretary UNFCCC Christiana Figueres at 10am Wednesday morning, 20 November 2013.

Please click here to download the Media Advisory

– Press Release is available for download in English and Spanish;

– IISD Report on Transport Day 2013
– Transport Day 2013 Online Coverage
  • Outreach Magazine 2013
Bridging the Gap between Transport, Cities and Climate Policy: A key to a low carbon future in cities and everywhere by Heather Allen, Transport Research Laboratory
  • Warsaw Wobbles

     Sustainable Transport on course while Warsaw Wobbles by Heather Allen, Cornie Huizenga, Kathy Millard and Shafiq Rahman.

  • All Africa
AfDB Fully Supports Low-Carbon Transport Agenda at UN Climate Talks by African Development Bank
Transport at the Forefront of COP 19 Climate Change Agenda by Holger Dalkmann, Benoit Lefevre and Hilda Martinez, EMBARQ

– Photos from Transport Day 2013

Photos from the Transport Day 2013 Event is available at 

– Transport Day 2013 Video