DFID Fact sheet on Transport in a Low Carbon Economy
Implementing climate change mitigation measures in the transport sector will contribute to the economic and social progress of developing nations by creating new jobs, healthier environments and enhanced mobility, and will reduce the vulnerability of poorer people to anthropogenic climate change impacts.
International Energy Agency: Transport Energy and CO2. Overall, with the efficiency, low-GHG fuels and advanced vehicles, and modal shift taken together, in the BLUE Map/Shifts scenario CO2 emissions in transport are cut globally by 40% in 2050 compared to 2005, and by 70% compared to the baseline in 2050. Also contains regional information for developing countries.
For the first time ever the European Commissions is proposing a greenhouse gas emissions target for transport. TERM 2011 and future reports aim to deliver an annual assessment on progress towards these targets by introducing the Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism Core Set of Indicators.
“California’s Pioneering Transportation Strategy”, Issues in Science and Technology, National Academies (Winter 2012) describes and explains California’s approach to climate policies for transportation, and what it means for others.
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