7 December 2017

Transport needs to be a key topic at the One Planet Summit

On 12 December 2017, the government of France is hosting the One Planet Summit, to celebrate the two year anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

in News
8 October 2015

Air Pollution Plummets during Car-Free Day in Paris

Vehicle ban for 30% of roads in Paris on the 27th of September plummets both air and noise pollution.

On September 27th, 2015, Paris has launched its first Car-Free Day to ban vehicles from 30% of its roads in the city. The minor reduction in traffic has successfully to cut air and noise pollution significantly.

in News
26 August 2015

Paris to Stop Traffic for A Day to Tackle Climate Change

The Mayor of Paris has announced the campaign, “Une Journée Sans Voiture” – “A Day Without Car,” to stop traffic in the city on September 27th as an action to tackle pollution and climate change.

The campaign serves as a significant example to respond to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s call to “reshape the world’s transport systems for a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future.”

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