25 June 2013

CAF-Development Bank of Latin America to Provide Support to SLoCaT Secretariat

CAF-Development Bank of Latin America -(www.caf.com/en) has confirmed its support to SLoCaT by providing support to the SLoCaT Secretariat with the specific objective to promote the better integration of Latin America in the activities of the SLoCaT Partnership.

in News
31 May 2013

HLP Panel Report on Post 2015 Development Agenda Fails to Provide Transformative Guidance for Sustainable Transport

Initial review on how sustainable transport is integrated in: A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development 

The overarching vision of the outcome document of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons (HLP) on the post-2015 development framework reads: “Our vision and our responsibility are to end extreme poverty

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29 April 2013

SG Ban Ki-moon welcomes efforts by Asian countries to address transportation as part of the effort to fight climate change and achieve sustainable development

23 April 2013 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed efforts by Asian countries meeting at a United Nations-backed regional forum to address transportation as part of the effort to fight climate change and achieve sustainable development.

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3 April 2013

Sustainable Transport Discussed at World Bank's Workshop on Market Readiness

The World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) held a Workshop on Effective Instruments for GHG Mitigation in Urban Transport on March 14, 2013.

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4 March 2013

Sustainable Transport Recognized as Action Network by the United Nations

Shanghai, 4 March, 2013,  Sustainable transport was added to the list of Action Networks for Sustainable Development.

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18 February 2013

India's Ministry of Urban Affairs issues Advisory on Congestion Charging

India’s Ministry of Urban Affairs has issued an advisory requesting authorities on urban transport to issue necessary instructions for identifying the most congested areas in their cities, getting a proper study done on various aspcts of congestion chargingas per city requirements and consider adopting “congestion charging system” as a measure to decongest a particular area/CBD, increasing a mode share of cycling as well public transport and increase the mobility of people besides controlling pollution.

in News
15 February 2013

Friends of Sustainable Transport Lunch discussion: "Sustainable Transport and its role in poverty eradication".

The Missions of Thailand and the Netherlands in cooperation with UN_DESA, hosted an informal lunchtime meeting as a follow-up to the panel discussion on Sustainable Transport held at the Netherlands Mission on 19th of November 2012.

The topic for the meeting was “Sustainable Transport and its role in poverty eradiction”.

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