Transport commitments and initiatives launched at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26)

COP26 saw an unprecedented number of commitments and initiatives on sustainable, low carbon transport. In this section we will take a closer look at some of them and provide a preliminary analysis of the degree of alignment between  and the new NDCs submitted by countries …

Taking Stock of COP26 Outcomes and Looking Ahead

by Maruxa Cardama, Secretary General, SLOCAT Partnership Photo from UNFCCC (2021) After some very busy months at the SLOCAT Secretariat, we have finally had a moment to reflect on the implications of the UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP26) outcomes through the lens of the …

Climate Strategies for Transport: An Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies

Climate Strategies for Transport: An Analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies

This report analyses trends in the transport decarbonisation ambition, targets and actions in the climate strategies submitted by countries in the framework of the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the analysis focuses on Long-Term Strategies (LTS) starting from 2016 and on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) starting from …

SLOCAT Key Transformations for Sustainable, Low Carbon Land Transport

SLOCAT Key Transformations for Sustainable, Low Carbon Land Transport

In order to reach the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement and provide equitable access to transport and mobility for all, the urgent transformation of transport is necessary. This SLOCAT messaging framework articulates the 11 key transformations necessary to enable sustainable, low carbon land transport; …