7 August 2015

Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analyses and Reports


The Transport Greenhouse Gas Emissions Database Projects (links to database page) supports the development of an ongoing series of comprehensive reports and concise analyses on transport GHG emissions. 


Two main reports will be developed in preparation of COP21, which will provide a comprehensive picture of the emissions trends and mitigation potential of the transport sector in various countries for the pre- and post-2020 periods.


7 August 2015

OECD Investment in Inland Transport Infrastructure at Record Low

A recent update by the International Transport Forum on investment and maintenance expenditure on transport infrastructure for 1995-2013 shows that continued economic crisis has had an impact on transport infrastructure investment in OECD countries. The data is based on a survey sent to 54 ITF member countries (at the time of the data collection), which covers total gross investment (i.e.

in News
4 August 2015

SLoCaT Partnership Comments on Habitat III Issue Papers

In October 2016, Habitat III will set the agenda for urban development over the next decade, and scaling up sustainable transport infrastructure and services within the world’s cities will be a critical component in the sustainable urban development process.

in News
3 August 2015

New Climate Economy Report (2015) Showcases the Role of Transport Sector in Achieving Low Carbon Economic Growth

The 2015 New Climate Economy Report’, published by The New Climate Economy, identifies ten key areas of opportunity for stronger climate action which will also bring significant economic benefits. Transport is listed under two of the ten key areas to facilitate a low carbon, sustainable economic growth.

in News
24 July 2015

SLoCaT Summary on the Third International Conference on Financing for Development

The Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3) was held from 13-16 July 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.  FfD3 followed on the first international conference on FfD in 2002, which yielded the Monterrey Consensus, and the second international FfD conference in 2008, which produced the Doha Declaration.  

in News
24 July 2015

WRI Released Reference Guide for Road Safety in Cities

Cities Safer by Design’ is a global reference guide, published by WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and its EMBARQ sustainable urban mobility initiative, to help cities save lives from traffic fatalities through improved street design and smart urban development. This hands-on guide taps examples fromcities worldwide and includes 34 different design elements to improve safety and quality of life.

in News
22 July 2015

Transport GHG Emissions Database: Forecasting and Mitigation Studies

This product contains a database of mitigation potential studies to assess opportunities to reduce the future growth in transport emissions relative to business-as-usual (BAU) baselines (as established under the product described previously). These studies include projections of transport sector mitigation potential (supported by specific low-carbon transport mitigation strategies), which are crucially broken down by sub-sector (e.g. road, railways, waterways, aviation) to help to identify areas that require the greatest degree of intervention to meet transport emission targets.

22 July 2015

Transport GHG Emissions Database: National-level Transport Emissions Factsheets

The Tier I & II country fact sheets are now available for download: