Moving towards the Implementation of Safe, Affordable and Sustainable Urban Mobility in Latin America and the Caribbean

Among the guiding principles of the New Urban Agenda (NAU) is the importance of strengthening mobility and sustainable urban transport. Likewise, the proposed Regional Action Plan for the implementation of NAU also seeks to promote sustainable modes of transport in the face of the challenges of climate change, urbanization and urban population growth.


CODATU and its partners, the Indian Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) and the Institute of Urban Transport in New Delhi (IUT), are pleased to welcome you to Hyderabad from November 4-6, 2017, for the 17th CODATU international conference, organized in conjunction with the 10th Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference and Exhibition.

Climate action and transport financing: convergence and transformation

Moderator: Holger Dalkman, Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)

16:00    Welcome & Introduction to the Multilateral Development Banks Working Group on Sustainable Transport

Salim Refas, Islamic Development Bank

16:10 MDB Report: Special Feature on Transport and Climate Change

Transport Thematic Day at COP 23

The Transport Thematic Day will be held on Saturday 11th November 2017 in Bonn, Germany. The event is organized by the Marrakech Partnership on Global Climate Action (MP-GCA) transport content group consisting of  ITF, PPMC, UIC and UITP.

The Role of Sustainable Mobility in a Changing Climate

This side event will use the new Global Mobility Report—the first ever joint assessment of the transport sector globally—as the backdrop for this high-level discussion on what should be done to achieve sustainable mobility, as measured by four global goals: universal access, efficiency, safety and green mobility.  The outcome of this panel discussion will feed into a new roadmap of actions towards sustainable mobility currently under preparation by the&nb

Scaling Up Action on Transport and Climate Change: Establishment of a Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA)

Transport contributes about one quarter of all energy related CO2 emissions and about 15-17% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Under a business-as-usual scenario, transport related CO2 emissions could grow from 6-7 gigatonnes to 16-18 gigatonnes by 2050. Against such a backdrop, the target and timeline set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (translating to an overall net-zero emission economy soon after 2050) are challenging and require bold actions towards a systemic transformation of the transport sector.

The “Urban Energy – Transport nexus: cities as drivers of transformative action towards a low carbon future”

As the urban population is expected to increase by 2-3 billion people between now and 2050, urban planning offers a key tool in realizing higher density, mixed land-use cities. This should help to ensure that a greater amount of trips are made by walking or cycling and create successful enabling conditions for mass transit solutions, either by bus or rail.

SDG2 High-Level Roundtable 4 – Rural Transformation: Climate Resilient and Low Emission Food Systems

Achieving “Zero Hunger” requires the transformation of the rural economy and strengthening of urban-rural connections. The High-Level Roundtable, “Rural Transformation: Climate Resilient and Low Emission Food Systems,” will discuss how rural transport and climate-smart food systems can be part of this transformation, and identify the key policy and investment needs to achieve SDG2, and the implementation of countries NDCs in two areas:

The development of climate-resilient and low-emission food systems that foster food security and nutrition and leaves no-one behind.