Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report (TCC-GSR)

The Transport and Climate Change 2018 Global Status Report (TCC-GSR) describes trends in transport emissions and illustrates policies as well as policy targets across all transport sub-sectors. It sets a baseline that helps to capture the progress of transport in regard to climate action. The TCC-GSR is a key resource for policy-makers to support raising ambition on climate action (mitigation and adaptation) in sustainable transport.

Read the TCC-GSR here.


TCC-GSR regional infographics

Based on the findings of the TCC-GSR, SLoCaT developed three regional infographics. They show the trends and activities on sustainable transport in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Transport and Climate Change in Africa Transport and Climate Change in Asia Transport and Climate Change in Asia



Latin America (Spanish Version)

Sustainable Transport: A Critical Driver to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals


The SLoCaT Partnership has released the report, ‘Sustainable Transport: A Critical Driver to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,’ to summarise how transport has been reflected in the first quadrennial VNR reporting cycle from 2016 – 2019. While during the first quadrennial reporting cycle from 2016 to 2019, 92% of the submitted VNRs have highlighted progress made in the transport sector, only 30% of VNRs have included explicit references to transport sustainability impacts.

Find the report here.

Low Carbon Transport for Development in IsDB Countries


The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the SLoCaT Partnership developed an analysis on low carbon transport in IsDB member countries outlining major challenges and needs, potential transport policy activities and areas of required action.

Read the report here.


Transport, Climate Action and Sustainable Development: Synergies Across NDCs and VNRs in IsDB Member Countries

The transport sector has a critical role to play in achieving climate change mitigation targets and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provide a useful framework to help scale up sustainable transport measures. However, further alignment between these global processes is required to raise ambition and measure progress to realise the full potential of sustainable low-carbon transport in achieving these goals.The report links mechanisms in the climate change and sustainable development frameworks with the objective to identify synergies for the development, implementation and reporting on sustainable transport for IsDB member countries.

The report is planned to be released in January 2020.


E-Mobility Trends and Targets

This document compilesinformation onthe development of electric mobility with regard to market trend reports;official targetsby countries, cities, and companies; and industry plans.This document is a work-in-progress and will be expanded with additional narrative and data on e-mobility.

You can find the e-mobility overview here.


MDB Progress Report 2016-2018

The Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have a target to provide more than USD 175 billion of loans and grants for transport in developing countries between 2012-2022. This target is included in the MDBs’ Joint Statement of 2012 that was made as the Commitment to Sustainable Transport during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio 2012 or Rio+20. This report looks at the progress and achievements of the MDBs between 2016 and 2018. The information is presented in a visual approach summarizing the information in charts and graphics.

Find the report here.