10 June 2014

SLoCaT Partnership calls for comments on the Proposed Results Framework on Sustainable Transport

Shanghai, China

To promote the integration of sustainable transport in global policies on sustainable development, the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) started the development of a Results Framework on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport in October 2013. It is intended that this Results Framework will result in:

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4 June 2014

Seven Major Public Transport Companies Sign Up to the UITP Climate Declaration

Seven major public transport companies have signed up to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s personal challenge to UITP members to show their climate leadership at September’s UN Climate Summit in New York. 

in News
23 May 2014

Summit of Ministers calls for more global co-operation in transport policy

Leipzig, Germany – Ministers of Transport from around the world have called for more international co-operation to create transport systems for the needs of a changing world.

“Global transformational change is a characteristic of our age”, ministers from the 54 member countries of the International Transport Forum (ITF) state in a declaration agreed today at their Annual Summit in Leipzig, Germany.

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20 May 2014

University of Michigan SMART Initiative launches MobiPrize for sustainable transport awards

Shanghai- 20 May, 2014

University of Michigan SMART initiative, supported by Rockefeller Foundation launched the MobiPrize and is calling for applicaticants. The MobiPrize is an award honoring entrepreneurial ventures that are changing the world–helping to improve the quality of life and revitalize the environment and economy of communities and regions through sustainable transportation (New Mobility).

in News
19 May 2014

City of Milan wins prestigious transport award

Paris/Leipzig – May 20, 2014

The Municipality of Milan in Italy is the winner of the 2014 Transport Achievement Award for its ‘Area C’ urban road pricing scheme.

The Transport Achievement Award is awarded annually by the International Transport Forum at the OECD, an intergovernmental organisation for the transport sector with 54 member countries.

in News
15 May 2014

UN-DESA Calls for Papers for a Special Issue on Sustainable Transport

Natural Resources Forum, a United Nations Sustainable Development Journal, issued by the Division for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, calls for papers for a special issue on Sustainable Transport, to be published in 2015.

Articles submitted for this special issue should be scientifically sound and relevant to global, national o

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