Harnessing Intergovernmental Synergies Toward Green Mobility in Africa

Harnessing Intergovernmental Synergies Toward Green Mobility in Africa

by Jerry Ndayishimiye, Head of Marketing & PR Officer, SUL Mobility An electric van charging at EVP (evpcharger.com) charging station located at Total Energies Kacyiru station in Kigali, Rwanda. While Africa is the least greenhouse gas emitting continent in the world, it remains the most …

Transit-Oriented Development as an Anchor to Compact, Equitable, and Accessible African Cities

Transit-Oriented Development as an Anchor to Compact, Equitable, and Accessible African Cities

by Carolyne Mimano, Maureen Kinyua, and Christopher Kost, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) brings compact, mixed-use development in proximity to high-quality rapid transit. Shown here is the BRT corridor in Dar es Salaam. Around the world, calls are increasing for …

Are Nationally Determined Contributions aligned with the commitments and initiatives on transport announced on the occasion of COP26? A Comparative Analysis by SLOCAT

Updated with latest information as of 14 December 2022 Introduction The 2021 UN Climate Conference COP26 saw an unprecedented number of commitments and initiatives on sustainable, low carbon transport. This comparative analysis examines to what extent Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are aligned with these transport …

Shaping COP27 around African Climate, Health and Transport Priorities

Shaping COP27 around African Climate, Health and Transport Priorities

by Desmond Appiah (Clean Air Fund), Alison Doig (Health and Climate Network) and Karl Peet (SLOCAT Partnership) This is Kigali in Rwanda, “Africa’s cleanest city”. Credit photo by Tim Treza (Afrik Buzz, 2021) There is an urgent need to deliver the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals …

Overcoming Arrested Mobility for Persons with Disabilities Across Africa

Overcoming Arrested Mobility for Persons with Disabilities Across Africa

By Robert Ambunda with inputs by Fatoumata Diallo, Cabrel Tokam, Bianca Ryseck and Richard Unuigboje, SLOCAT-VREF Young Leaders in Sustainable Transport Figure 1: International White Cane day, Swakopmund, Namibia Photo courtesy of Adam Hartman, The Namibian News (2020). Willy Johannes has been diagnosed with congenital …