SLOCAT Engagement at COP28

30th November – 12th December 2023  I  Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)

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as NGO

Marrakech Partnership

SLOCAT flagship activities at COP28

Event convened by SLOCAT,
in collaboration with REN21

Co-hosted by the Climate Compatible Growth
programme, FIA Foundation and SLOCAT Partnership

SLOCAT as delivery partner to

Towards the next round of NDCs and LTS

Mobilisation of a community of world-class
transport experts and change-makers

Marrakech Partnership activities at COP28

Engagement in UNFCCC intergovernmental processes

SLOCAT Tracker: Transport events during COP28

One more year, SLOCAT is compiling publicly available information about transport-focused events, including events organised by SLOCAT Partners, the wider transport community and the COP28 Presidency.