Transport Day 2014 Presentations

Transport Day 2014 brought together around 200 experts on sustainable, low carbon transport and climate change on Sunday December 7th, in Lima, Peru.  The whole day event focused on how sustainable, low transport can tackle climate change.  In the breakout sessions examples were provided on some of the practices in the transport sector that can be scaled up for climate change mitigation, presentations were made on successful transport NAMAs in Latin America and around the world, discussions focused on financing of sustainable, low carbon transport and finally how transport policies can be used for adaptation to climate change.

Breakout Session 1: Mitigation Potential of Transport 

Moderator: Michael Replogle, ITDP- A Global High Shift 

Understanding INDCs

Measuring and Evaluating Mitigation Potential for INDCs & NAMAs

Ensuring Progress on the Road to Paris: Transport in INDCs and NAMAs – What is needed for success?



NAMAs and MRV Session

Moderator: Sudhir Surma, United Nations Environment Programme-DTU Partnership

Financing Session

Moderator &Introduction : Benoit Lefevre, Director Energy & Climate WRI Ross center for sustainable cities, WRI– Landscape of Current Public and Private Financial Flows

Status of finance and climate finance in the transport sector

Experiences in accessing and leveraging climate finance 


Adaptation session

Moderator: Alfred Grunwaldt, Climate Change Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank
