SLoCaT represented in the UNCTAD 14 Preparatory Committee (2nd Hearing with Civil Society) by WBCSD

The 14th United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD 14) will take place on July 17-20 in Nairobi, Kenya. SLoCaT Partnership is co-organizing a Ministerial Roundtable at the event together with UNCTAD during the UNCTAD 14.

In preparation of the UNCTAD 14, Preparatory Committee 2nd Hearing with Civil Society took place on Thursday May 26.The objective of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for civil society organizations to exchange views with UNCTAD member States on issues relevant to the UNCTAD 14 theme and sub-themes. 

UNCTAD member States, organizations with observer status and those organizations accredited to UNCTAD 14 are invited to participate. The hearing took the form of an interactive debate and provided an opportunity for dialogue and an exchange of views among delegates of UNCTAD member States and representatives of civil society and the private sector on issues relevant to the theme and four sub-themes of UNCTAD 14:

From decision to action: Moving towards an inclusive and equitable global economic environment for trade and development.

  • Challenges and opportunities in multilateralism for trade and development;
  • Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth through trade, investment, finance and technology to achieve prosperity for all;
  • Advancing economic structural transformation and cooperation to build economic resilience and address trade and development challenges and opportunities, at all levels, within the UNCTAD mandate;
  • Contributing to the effective implementation of and follow-up to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and relevant outcomes from global conferences and summits, as related to trade and development.

The outcome of the hearing will be summarized in a report of the Preparatory Committee to UNCTAD 14

The SLoCaT Partnership was represented at the UNCTAD 14 by Sophie Roizard World Business Council on Sustainable Development. This is the second hearing with the civil society and SLoCaT Secretariat has prepared a statement for Sophie to share with the organizers at the event.

In the statement, SLoCaT Partnership indicated that it welcomed that the text:

  • Recognises the key role of transport in facilitating trade and sustainable development,
  • Recognises the links between job creation, social inclusion, infrastructure and interconnectivity,
  • Recognises the special challenges of transport infrastructure and the importance of expanded infrastructure investments.
  • Reaffirms the role of UNCTAD in supporting policy dialogues and co-operation mechanisms in the field of sustainable transport.

However, the following important aspects should be given more specific attention:

  • he potential contribution of efficient and sustainable transport solutions to reducing transport and logistics costs.
  • The necessity and urgency of transforming transport policy, planning and investments in order to reduce transport greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the ambition of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
  • The defining role of sustainable transport in ensuring cities sustainable urban economic development and to ensure that cities are attractive and healthy places to live and work.
  • To avoid market failures and in accordance with the “polluter pays” principle – ensure transport user fees fully reflect the marginal social costs.
  • The role of transport systems in providing “access for all” to economic opportunities (education, jobs etc.) in particular those in “vulnerable situations” (in accordance with SDG Target 11.2).
  • The potential of information and communication technologies to improve the efficiency and use of transport infrastructure and vehicles and improve supply chain efficiency and integration.
  • UNCTAD should work with developing countries to help them avoid historic, inefficient transport solutions and support them in moving directly to safe, clean and efficient transport infrastructure, systems and technologies.

The SLoCaT Partnership, welcomes, and expresses its willingness to participate actively in the “standing expert group on sustainable and resilient transport and logistics infrastructure services and trade logistics” to contribute its broad experience in order to maximise the contribution of sustainable transport to sustainable trade and development.