30 January 2012

Transport CSD Submission SloCaT Partnership

On behalf of the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport1 and various undersigned agencies, multilateral development banks, non-governmental organizations, associations, and businesses, the following statement is submitted for consideration as input to the compilation document which helps to develop the zero draft of the declaration for the Rio+20 Global Conference on Sustainable Development.

30 January 2012

Press Release: Groups Call for Global Reset on Transportation at Rio+20 Meet

To help shape the outcome of the Rio+20 conference the SLoCaT Partnership today released its call to the United Nations urging adoption by the Rio+20 conference of a Sustainable Development Goal that calls on the world to “Achieve sustainable transport that enables universal access to safe, clean, and affordable mobility”.

30 January 2012

SLoCaT input to CDM Policy Dialog

SLoCaT with the help of ADB, CAI-Asia, ECN and ITDP made a submission to the policy dialog on CDM.  The inputs, and a summary of them, will be shared with the panel that will conduct the dialogue and will be considered by the Board at its sixty-sixth meeting early in 2012.

30 January 2012

UN SG Ban Ki-moon includes sustainable transport in his 5 Year Action Plan

One of the key elements of his plans is to forge consensus around a post-2015 sustainable development framework and implement it. This would include defining a new generation of sustainable development goals building on the MDGs and outline a road map for consideration by Member States.

in News
30 January 2012

Sharing information on bus transport systems is made easier thanks to new database

The International Energy Agency has helped create a database that will act as a one-stop-shop for researchers, planners, and policymakers to source information and data on Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) systems, such as the costs of such systems in different countries, which until now has not been possible.

This database, which will be launched in February 2012, is the first globally encompassing effort to map out BRT Systems around the world and will include a web portal, which is publicly available for anyone wishing to access information about BRT data. 

in News
27 January 2012

San Francisco and Medellin Win 2012 Sustainable Transport Award

San Francisco, USA and Medellin, Colombia are being honored today as the winners of the 8th annual Sustainable Transport Award. This year’s slate of nominees is unique in that all four cities showcase a breadth of interventions that put citizens first.  Each city is also a leader in embracing social media and online technologies to reach out to those citizens, giving a better more informative and convenient service.

in News
7 November 2011


HealthBridge’s Livable Cities program aims to improve health, equity, and the environment in developing countries by focusing on how cities are planned, designed, built, and adapted. Currently we have projects in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Through this program we aim to:

5 November 2011

SLoCaT Partnership push to achieve sustainable transport enabling universal access to safe, clean, and affordable mobility

On October 30th the world welcomed Danica May Camacho as the world’s 7th billion inhabitant. She joined the world in Manila, one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. Manila typifies in many respects what is wrong with transport in developing countries. Streets that are choked with cars, motorcycles and other vehicles that make it unsafe for children like Danica to breathe the air or cross the streets.

in News