SLOCAT Engagement at COP29

11th – 22th November 

SLOCAT infopackage on COP29 engagement

This infopackage is regularly updated with the latest insights on COP29’s political agenda, including the presidency vision, official thematic programme, overview of transport events, and SLOCAT’s planned engagements.

Major transport events at a glance

COP29 Agenda and Thematic Days

from the COP29 President-Designate Letter to Parties and Constituencies

Frequently asked questions by SLOCAT

SLOCAT Advocacy messaging on climate finance and loss and damage

  • Facts, figures and guidance about investment needs and opportunities for transport sustainability, decarbonisation, adaptation and resilience in Low- and Middle-Income Countries* in relation to a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance and NDCs.
  • Guidance on investments needs and opportunities for resilience of and through transport in relation to the Loss and Damage Fund established at COP28 (decisions 2/CP.27 and 2/CMA.4).

Political ambition and capacity building for the next NDCs

GIZ-SLOCAT NDC Transport Tracker

A database on ambition, targets and policies in NDCs and Long-Term Strategies

Learn more

NDCs Library

From the global transport community

Guidelines, tools
and resources to increase transport ambition in
the next generation of NDCs

Learn more

A call to double the share of energy efficient and fossil-free forms of land transport by 2030

2024 action agenda

Learn more

Freight and logistics
in the NDCs

by SLOCAT and Kühne Climate Center

Just transition
in the NDCs

By SLOCAT and International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

Decarbonisation Index

By SLOCAT, UK’s HVT, UEMI. Prof. Lew Fulton, Pierpaolo Cazzola and Jacob Teter

A diagnostic toolkit to assist LMIC countries in Africa and South Asia in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in surface transport


Compendium of policy interventions on freight transport and logistics

By SLOCAT and Kühne Climate Center

Identifying the ‘best value’ policies and investment approaches to deliver quick wins and initiate long-term transformations


Transport in the NDCs of Asia-Pacific countries

UK’s HVT and ADB

Policy brief on the state of play of transport targets in NDCs within the region.


SLOCAT as official Focal Point for transport sector engagement in the MPGCA

2030 Climate Solutions: An implementation roadmap

By the UN High-Level
Climate Champions

Learn more

Marrakech Partnership Action Event on Transport

20 November
(More info coming soon)

Marrakech Partnership Implementation Lab

20 November
(More info coming soon)


UNDESA Transport Day at SDGs Pavillion

Date TBA

SLOCAT tracker: Transport events during COP29

One more year, SLOCAT is compiling publicly available information about transport-focused events, including events organised by SLOCAT Partners, the wider transport community and the COP29 Presidency.

COP29 official website

COP29 Presidency Letter - July

COP29 Presidency
Action Agenda Letter