Transport Track of the Pre-Summit Stakeholders’ Workday

The World Bank, the World Resources Institute, and the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) cordially organise the Transport Track of the Pre-Summit Stakeholders’ Workday on May 4 in Washington, DC at The Mayflower Hotel (State and East Ballrooms). Participants in this critical meeting will help lay the groundwork for the high-level discussions and agreements on sustainable mobility to be reached during the May 5–6 “Climate Action 2016” Summit, also in Washington, DC. 

IEA Workshop: Transport, Energy Efficiency & Behaviour

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is hosting a workshop on Transport, Energy Efficiency & Behaviour 10-11 May 2016 at the IEA headquarters in Paris, France.

Workshop objective:

This workshop seeks to help policy makers plan, implement and monitor more effective policies to improve energy efficiency in the transport sector by sharing experience with measures, technologies and policies from around the world to encourage people to shift to more efficient transport modes, buy more efficient vehicles and reduce travel demand.

ITF2016 Pre-event PPMC Stakeholder Meeting

The Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) is convened by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB).

International Transport Forum Summit 2016: Green and Inclusive Transport

International Transport Forum (ITF)’s 2016 Summit on Green and Inclusive Transport will explore the importance of low-carbon transport as an essential element in the transition to a green growth economy as well as the changes needed to make transport more inclusive and provide access for everyone to jobs, public services, and other opportunities. The 2016 Summit in Leipzig, Germany will offer a rich programme of inspiring keynote addresses, interactive sessions, and discussions around these questions:

Technical expert meeting on mitigation: Shifting to more efficient public transport and increasing energy efficiency of vehicles

The technical expert meeting on transport will discuss the low-carbon transportation policies, technologies and opportunities that offer significant mitigation potential while also enhancing economic development, providing connectivity and reducing economic, environmental and social costs. It will also present critical actions advancing adaptation or enhancing the resilience of transport infrastructure and services.

German Habitat Forum with Transport Focus (Berlin)

Sustainable urban solutions will play a key role with a view to achieving both the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international climate change targets over the next decades. The German Habitat Forum will provide a platform for discussion on how to design sustainable solutions for cities in the future, and will look at the key aspects of 'mobility' and 'urban infrastructure'.

Scaling Up Action on Sustainable Urban Transport in the Context of Habitat III–A German Habitat Forum Mobility Working Session

Transport and Mobility are expected to be a key part of the New Urban Agenda, the outcome document of the Habitat III conference in October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the German Agency forInternational Cooperation (GIZ), the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and the World Resources Institute hosted a 4-hour interactive session to: