Enhanced Regional Engagement

SLOCAT delivered on its regional engagement by bringing regional needs into global arenas; by enhancing the implementation of global frameworks at the regional and local levels and by supporting prominent regional initiatives. We strived to raise visilibily of our regional partners to showcase climate actions and faciliating nuanced peer dialogue and learning.

SLOCAT adds value to the ongoing work of partners in the field by:

Amplifying the voice and impact of regional actors at the global level, as well as providing valuable knowledge and highlighting engagement opportunities in global processes for organisations working on the ground that may not have the resources or expertise to follow the numerous international climate and sustainable development processes. These processes include, but are not limited to:

The Paris Agreement of the UNFCCC, and its follow-up and review including Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long Term Strategies (LTS), and the Conference of the Parties (COP), along with its preparations and engagement mechanisms, including the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA).

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its follow-up and review, including the Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).

Annual regional conferences related to the above processes, including the Regional Climate Weeks (RCWs) and the Regional Forums on Sustainable Development (RFSDs).

Other UN sustainable development and climate processes, including the UN Climate Action Summit, and the World Urban Forum, among others.

SLOCAT carries out this work by collaborating with regional partners, who are best positioned to reach a broad network of regional stakeholders and are leading on implementation in the field.

Led by UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and coordinated by Walk21 acts as Chair and secretariat, the Network aims to make the life of people who walk and cycle in African countries safer, healthier and more comfortable – through combined action, expertise and influence. SLOCAT is participating in the working groups related to finance, data, public transport and advocacy.

Official website

Regional Infographics on Transport and Climate Change

As part of the SLOCAT Transport and Climate Change Global Status Report, SLOCAT developed regional infographics to show the trends and activities on sustainable transport in Africa, Asia and Latin America.